Why Education
Once, Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” Literacy is the beginning of access to such a world of knowledge and freedom. Development is quantitative change, which is always positive
Extent of the problem
The number of teachers has gone up substantially and the average Pupil-Teacher Ratio comes close to the required levels. However, this does not solve the problem of quality. Large number of teachers are not qualified to teach, yet they are teaching. According to a rough estimate, out of 8 million teachers, around 1.4 million fall in this category.
Our Approach
BTCF works for education for underprivileged children who are under difficult circumstances Special emphasis is given on girl education and women education, so that they and their families get empowered. BTCF goals to build pathways that bring student to school and ensure students learn at schools. Align with NEPs objective of developing 21st Century skills in adolescents. Strong Foundation initiative uses innovative and scalable solutions to help develop strong foundational learning skills like reading comprehension, writing ability, numeracy, and English speaking and critical abilities like self-expression, social-emotional intelligence, cognition, creativity, and gender sensitivity among children aged between 3-10 years living in the most marginalised geographies of India.