Once, Mahatma Gandhi said, “The future will belong to nations with grains, not guns.” In India, Agriculture is biggest unorganized sector where 48.9% population depends in India. In the year 2002, Agriculture is announced as PMF (Prime Moving Force). 1% land in agriculture leads 0.5 % increases in industrial output and 0.7 % increases in National income of India. According to recent NABARD Survey, an average monthly income of one rural household is 8059 rupee, from which 43% income comes from agriculture and another 57% income comes from daily labor work or government job. Means rather than farming, government need to provide another sources to farmers to increase income level.

Extent of the problem
Irrigation/ water management is also major problem in India as more than 60% of irrigation water is consumed by two crops: Rice and Sugar Cane. India uses up to three times the water used to produce one tonne of grain in countries such as Brazil, China. In fact, agriculture productivity in India is amongst the lowest in the world. Land degradation and unsustainable agriculture practices have led to a loss of productivity which is fueling rural poverty. While farmers in irrigated areas earn 60 percent of their income from agriculture, farmers in rainfed areas earn only 20-30 per cent from farm-related activities. Farm distress, agrarian distress are the major agrarian projects in India so to save lives and to enable social protection and defeat poverty we need to promote agriculture.

Our Approach
Everything else can wait but agriculture cannot. It is time for a New India. BTCF aims to promote the awareness about Modern Irrigation Facilities. Also promote the need of Seeds and Scientific and Modern Technological knowledge that can help and guide in Reducing Costs. BTCF will help farmers to understanding a Rapid Transition to Cost-Effective Organic Farming.

Objectives of the BTCF:

  • 1. Conducting Fish seed production training classes..
  • 2. Conducting nursery and business horticulture training classes.
  • 3. Establishment of Agricultural Development Center for agricultural information.
  • 4. To create awareness among people about rural agricultural development, water conservation, non-conventional energy etc., planting trees on the occasion of various programs by giving importance.
  • 5. To carry out watershed development program in remote rural tribal areas, under which drains, buildings, percolation ponds etc., also to create awareness among the farmers for it.
  • 6. Conducting scientific research for agricultural and similar knowledge extension and imparting it through farmers.
  • 7. Encouraging agro-based entrepreneurship
  • 8. To make farmers aware of science and technology and provide related training.
  • 9. To create public awareness about organic farming.
  • 10. Conducting various surveys on agriculture and farming and submitting reports to the Government.